Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Talking Turkey, the Gift that Keeps Giving

You make the walk down the supermarket aisle. The store-brand turkeys are loss leaders in this week’s flyer. You ponder purchasing an extra turkey at these bargain prices.

You’ve heard turkeys make really cost-effective gifts (okay, maybe this is the first time you’ve heard that). But to whom—and how do you gift wrap them?

Here’s the bottom line: your gift of one turkey can help one family in need through the holidays by providing an average 33 meals’ worth of protein to that family. It’s a gift that allows them to put a portion of their food budget toward something else – like medicine, utilities, health and hygiene items, needed clothing.

And you don’t need to gift wrap those turkeys. Just drop them by Springs Rescue Mission during business hours in the next week or so, or bring them sometime late Saturday morning November 10  to The Gobble Gobble Turkey Wobble at America the Beautiful Park. (If you want to, you can leave a modest cash donation. Between $5 and $10 can cover at least one turkey purchase, along with storage and distribution.)

We have a community goal with Care and Share Food Bank to raise 10,000 frozen turkeys through actual turkey donation combined with cash donations targeted for turkeys this week, November 10-16. But you can start bringing those turkeys now—like today—if you like.

Your turkey donation will help meet the goal to provide protein for 330,000 meals in the Pikes Peak Region and southern Colorado. It's an aggressive goal to meet a growing need among our neighbors, 1 in 6 of whom live in households at or under the poverty line right here, right now.

Turkeys: the gifts that keep on giving. Now you know.

Brother, sister, can you spare a turkey? Today?